Day 49
On 7:00 AM, we made landfall on the island dubbed “Oceanland” and immediately began our exploration. The island was lush and teeming with life, and I could sense a feeling of excitement among the crew.
As we made our way inland, we stumbled upon the first site, the ruins of what appeared to be a strange ancient civilization. Curiously, there were many fallen trees around the site, tree barks laying around here and there, shattered, crashed … There were strange and outworldly symbols engraved on seemingly metallic surfaces. I have never seen anything like it. I have cross-checked the symbols with the engravings mentioned in Miguel Rudez’s parchment, yet, they bore no resemblance to one another at all. It seems like we have stumbled upon something truly remarkable. I added illustrations of the symbols and drawings of strange figures that we found on the surfaces to my journal.
Also, the metallic surface on the rocks were very strange to the touch, did not seem like iron, steel or bronze. I managed to scratch out some pieces and put them in my bag for later study. The captain and crew were equally fascinated by the discovery, and we spent several hours exploring the ruins.
Curious enough, I failed to find any artifacts signaling the presence of a past community amongst the ruins — no pottery, tools or any instruments which could be found in the remains of even the most primitive societies. What was the purpose of these strange metallic ruins?